Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Duncan O'Finioan Fraud

There is a self-proclaimed super soldier who goes by the name Duncan O'Finioan. His real name is Bobby Joe Fannin. He has created many enemies and burned many bridges in the alternative media community, mostly over his threats against people who criticize him or threaten to expose his lies and con game.

First, he has attacked Kerry Cassidy ruthlessly, the woman who gave him a platform to spread his fictional story of black projects and assassinations. Probably because Kerry Cassidy found out the truth about him and David Corso, that the two conspired to bring a bogus story to her that they were both black ops guys, Duncan starting when he was just a tween with super psychic powers.

It was all a lark, but what Duncan did not figure was the amount of attention he would get from the alternative media and New Age and conspiracy community. He liked the attention, something he had never had before in his life. People listened to and believed him and it got to his head. Through this, he met Miranda Kelly (also a fake name) through Aaron McCollum (we will get to him) and they created a fictional past together to pull a further con game. When Jesse Ventura interviewed Duncan on his show, Duncan's ego was further inflated. It was obvious that everything in the show was scripted and fake: the clandestine meeting in a parking garage and Dave Corso in a white van that didn't even belong to him.

It was all about a book Duncan had written that he wanted to turn into a series, Innocence Turned Deadly. Instead of calling it fiction, he thought he might make bigger money if he claimed it to be autobiographical. Every publisher he submitted the novel to rejected it and he had to resort to self-publication. It is a barely literate or readable tale of hackneyed thriller genre stuff, much stolen from Chuck Norris and Stu Segall movies. (Duncan also claimed he trained Chuck Norris how to kickbox at a CIA facility!) It is also quite obviously influenced by the thriller crime novels of Andrew Vachss.

Has Duncan lived this lie so long now that he might believe it is all true? Perhaps. How can be back down and disappoint those who follow him? They would realize what a fraud he is and turn against him.

Many have uncovered his con game, from the Former White Hat guy (we will get to him in a later post), to researcher Anthony Forewood, to James Rink, Aaron McCollum and Anya Briggs. Duncan has threatened the lives of all these people if they speak about it. He turned against Kerry Cassidy when she realized he had made it all up for attention and an attempt to get book and movie deals.

But is there more to Duncan's lies than attention? Is he being used by the black ops community? Some are claiming he had a hand in recent black operations but we do not believe it. The question must be asked: if his story is true, why would the black ops agencies allow him to run around talking about it and giving them a bad name? Is he not exposing highly safeguarded secrets? Why have they not terminated him?

One source tells us, "The fellahs at Langley get a good laugh when they read about him. His blogs are printed out and posted by the water cooler for a daily chuckle. He is not considered a threat but is entertainment, because he has no connection to The Farm or any project."

Is it possible Duncan is just mentally ill and living inside his own delusion?

One thing is certain: he is a fraud.